Manager Message

We firmly believe that school years are crucial for the development of good habits and character, which are the building blocks of excellence. The habit of study, the love of learning and the quest for truth, the responsibilities, use of freedom, personal integrity and willingness to help and improve the society, are especially important. These tools are essential to empower the students to become an excellent professional and a mature and responsible citizen.

Each child entrusted to us will receive education in the finest form. Learning is a lifelong process and all students and teachers are challenged to exceed their own expectations. This is a holistic experience that energizes the growth of mind, body and spirit. We nurture and prepare generations of individuals, the torch bears of tomorrow who believe in the strength of their own conviction and take pride in being K P Public School.

We can succeed in our Endeavor with your support, participation and involvement in your child’s progress. It is vital that we interact often and keep our communication open. If we join hands, I firmly believe that we will see our shared vision become a reality in no time at all.
Hoping for your positive response.

Smt. Kusum Singh


The Radiant International School